Diablo 2 Shortcut Commands

Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. Diablo 2 resets twice a year and I always seem to get hooked when it does. One problem I have encountered in Diablo 2 is not being able to leave the game without alt-tabbing. I will normally play other games like Runescape or Minecraft while creating a mule for my main character. You can create a mule by creating or joining a game and just sitting in town for a few hours. Mules are nice to have in case you fill up your chest on one character and want to hold onto other items. Diablo 2 Windowed Mode should come as a setting but we can do it with these steps.

Create two shortcuts, 1: c:diablo2diablo ii.exe -w 2: c:diablo2diablo ii.exe -w -mpq cdkey.mpq start shortcut 1 if you want to use cdkeys stored as game default start shortcut 2 if you want to use cdkeys stored in cdkey.mpq also, if you have more cdkeys, repeat way 3 and create more shortcuts with different. Shortcut not working. Posted by 20 days ago. Shortcut not working. The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME1401.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. This mod makes me think about Diablo 2 at work, the same as I thought about Diablo 2. This video will tell you how to create multiple Diablo 2 shortcuts, which is useful for maintaining multiple D2 mods, while keeping your original D2 patch in. Target Line Commands: These are commands that change some basic functions of the game. They must be in place when the program starts up. To enable these, go to the shortcut you use to start up Diablo II, right click, select properties, and view the target field. The default installation yields this: “C: Program Files Diablo II Diablo II.exe”.

Lets Get Started

There is no setting in Diablo 2 that lets you switch to windowed mode. You can use this little trick to put any game in windowed mode if you need to. First you will need to find your Diablo 2 Shortcut. After finding the shortcut you will need to edit your programs properties. You can do this by right clicking the shortcut and left clicking properties.

After you open the properties you will see a text box called “Target”. If you don’t see the text box you will want to make sure your on the correct tab. All you will need is to add ” -w” after the Target location in the text box. It is important that you include the space between the closing bracket and the “-w”. There you have it try to launch the game and you will have Diablo 2 Windowed Mode.

If you want your game to be in full screen windowed mode you will have to go a little deeper. Your monitor resolution will have to go down to your game resolution and probably disable the title bar. I would recommend not going down that rabbit hole but some people like to have control.

After you make Diablo 2 windowed mode you can check out some other improvements. Spam has become insane in D2 and if you haven’t set up a ad filter for Battle.net yet click here. Also check out my post on how to use the battle.net chat commands here.

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Universal Chat Commands

The following commands can be used in any chat channel. For StarCraft, Warcraft II BNE, and Warcraft III players, they can also be used during game setup or while a game is in progress.

/help - (Ex: /help whisper)
Displays usage help for chat topics.

/whois [user] - (Ex: /whois TPark)
Looks up some basic information on a user, including their account number and their current location. This is an excellent way to find your friends online. typing /whois #[number] (E.G. /whois #1).
Aliases for this command : /where /whereis

/whoami - (Ex: /whoami) - displays your information on Battle.net.

/w [user] - (Ex: /w JohnS)
Sends a private message to a user online regardless of the channel they are in. This is an excellent way to let a friend know you are online.
Aliases for this command: /msg /whisper

/ignore [user] - (Ex: /ignore BFitch)
Ignores any future messages from that user effectively muting that user to you.
Aliases for this command: /squelch

/unignore [user] - (Ex: /unignore BFitch)
Allows a previously squelched user to talk to you normally.
Aliases for this command: /unsquelch

/away [text] - (Ex: /away eating dinner)
Displays a message that you are away from your keyboard whenever someone whispers to you or does a /whois command on you. To disable this command, use the command again.

/dnd [text] - (Ex: /dnd sorry playing a game with GFraizer)
'Do Not Disturb' - prevents ALL whispers from displaying to your screen. Its use is similar to the /away command. To turn the DND mode off, just type /dnd without a reason. This will prevent people from sending whispers to you while in a game as well. You are still able to see all normal public channel messages.

/who [channel] - (Ex: /who Open Tech Support)
Displays a list of all users in the given channel.

/stats [user] ID - (Ex: /stats DavidN STAR)
Displays the player's Win/Loss/Disconnect record for both normal and Ladder games.

STAR - StarCraft
SEXP - StarCraft Expansion (Brood War)
W2BNE - Warcraft II Battle.net Edition

Displays the number of users currently on Battle.net.

Displays the current Battle.net time.

Note: If you are trying to whisper to someone that has the @ symbol in their name such as work@home you need to add @ to the end of the name for the message to get to the correct person.

Example: /w work@home@USWest Hello work

Chat Room Commands

The following commands can only be used while in a chat room.

/join [channel name] - (Ex: /join Blizzard Tech Support)
Switches to a channel without having to use the channel join screen. Aliases for this command: /channel

/me [text] - (Ex: /me is rolling on the floor laughing!)
Displays emotion text, as in 'PatN is rolling on the floor laughing!'

Chat Room Operator Commands

The following commands can only be used by channel operators (the person with the gavel).

/designate [user] - (Ex: /designate AlenL)
Selects [user] as the next channel operator when you step down, either by resigning or by leaving the channel. If the channel Operator leaves the channel and has designated more than one person, the last person designated will have ops.

Step down as channel operator and become a normal user again.

/rejoin - (Ex: /rejoin)
makes you rejoin the channel you are currently in.

/kick [user] - (Ex: /kick TwainM)
Kicks a user out of the channel. This is best used as a warning since a kicked user can return at their leisure.

/ban [user] - (Ex: /ban RobertB)
Kicks a user out of the channel and prevents them from returning until the current operator steps down or leaves the channel. This is the most powerful command at an operator's disposal, use it wisely.

/unban [users] - (Ex: /unban RobertB)
Allows a banned user to return to the channel.

Short Cut CommandsCTRL-X
Diablo, StarCraft, and Warcraft II BNE: Cuts the selected text

Diablo, StarCraft, and Warcraft II BNE: Copies the selected text

Diablo, StarCraft, and Warcraft II BNE: Pastes the selected text

Diablo, StarCraft, and Warcraft II BNE: Select all text

Diablo II: Pastes the name you have selected

Diablo 2 Shortcut Commands Command

Diablo, StarCraft, and Warcraft II BNE: Pastes the name you have selected

Diablo II: Toggle channel enter/leave notifications

Diablo 2 Battle Net Commands

Diablo, StarCraft, and Warcraft II BNE: Toggle channel enter/leave notifications

Diablo II Game Hotkeys ‒ Defkey

ALT-W with user selected
Diablo, StarCraft, Warcraft II BNE: Sends a private message to the selected user.
Aliases for this command: /w /msg /m /whisper

Diablo II: Cycles through the last 10 commands
StarCraft: Displays the last command then cycles through the users in the current channel.

Diablo II: Toggles music on Battle.net and the main menus

Diablo 2 - Players X Command Explained - YouTube

Diablo 2 shortcut commands generator


Warcraft III: Allows users to respond to private messages. This will type '/w person'sname ' allowing you to quickly respond without typing their name.

Diablo 2 Shortcut Commands Download