Prepositions Exercises For Class 10 Icse With Answers Pdf

Prepositions exercise for classes 9 and 10. Posted by Manjusha. Filed in CBSE English Grammar. Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions. Regular exercise is beneficial - health. He is bent - mischief. We must be grateful for the blessings God has bestowed - us.

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FILL IN THE BLANKS (Based on prepositions with answers)

FILL IN THE BLANKS (Based on prepositions with answers)

Q1.He travelled all…………………………the world when he was eighty year old.

(A) in

(B) over


(D) of

Q2.Dr. Sharma concluded his Speech……………………..stressing on Buddha's teachings of the importance of charity.

(A) by

(B) with

(C) at

(D) in

Q3.Shivaji Maharaj fought……………………. every kind of aggression.

(A) against

(B) to

(C) with

(D) at

Q4.Don’t depend……………………. others; you must stand on your own feet.

(A) upon

(B) on

(C) to

(D) for

Q5.Our life promises a lot……………………………….. pleasure and we must learn to enjoy it.

(A) with

(B) for

(C) of

(D) at

Q6.There is something wonderful……………….. him.

(A) of

(B) about

(C) for

(D) inside

Q7.When will you hand………………….your assignment ?

(A) in

(B) back

(C) down

(D) into

Q8. ……………… leave now, you will be late.

(A) Until

(B) Till

(C) Unless

(D) Although

Q9.……………..she is clever, she often makes mistakes.

(A) Despite

(B) Since

(C) Although

(D) Yet

Q10.How did these things come………………?

(A) about

(B) into

(C) at

(D) down

Q11.He knows French and German…………………Russian.

(A) beside

(B) besides

(C) aside

(D) except

Q12.The Prime Minister of England called ………………..the President of America.

(A) in

(B) out

(C) on

(D) at

Q13.He drove from Maharashtra……………………. Karnataka without stopping to rest.

(A) Is

(B) to

(C) into

(D) towards

Q14.I have brought you some books…………………you to examine.

(A) to

(B) for

(C) with

(D) over

Q15.We have talked a lot ; now let us……………………….to work.

(A) get down

Prepositions Exercises For Class 10 Icse With Answers Pdf

(B) set off

(C) take off

(D) sit up

Q16.Today students should be reconciled…………………the way things are changing.

(A) with

(B) to

(C) for

(D) at

Q17. Did the boys turn ………………for football practice?

(A) up

(B) on

(C) back

(D) in

Q18.The fireman managed to put…………………………the fire.

(A) away

(B) down

(C) out

(D) off

Q19.The pupil was asked to write………………………….his name on the front page of the exercise book.

(A) back

(B) in

(C) down

(D) about

Q20.The teacher found many mistakes in my composition, when she went………………

(A) into

(B) about

(C) for

(D) through

Q21.The sparrows took no…………………… the bread.

(A) notice of

(B) notice about

(C) notice from

(D) notice to

Q22.He shows great ability………………………Mathematics.

(A) at

(B) for

(C) about

(D) in

Q23.She has been supporting her family……………………… her husband’s death.

(A) on

(B) at


(D) since

Q24.The telephone kept …………………..ringing, but no one attended.

(A) off

(B) on

(C) up

(D) up with

Q25.She is sad, because her father turned……………………..her request.

(A) up

(B) off

(C) out

(D) down

Q26.You should not confide………………… stranger.


(B) to

(C) with

(D) by

Q27.Poets have compared this world…………………….. a stage.

(A) with

(B) to

(C) by


Q28. I prevailed ……………………….him to contest the election.

(A) on

(B) off

(C) over

(D) of

Q29.The headmaster congratulated Rajan ……………………….. getting the merit scholarship.

(A) for




Q30.Smallpox has been eradicated………………..India.

(A) From

(B) about

(C) within

(D) out of

Q31.Sachin was standing………………… me.

(A) aside

(B) next

(C) beside

(D) besides

Q32.For a child, a blow ……………………..esteem is a terrible thing.


(B) with

(C) to

(D) on

Q33.The Principal called ……………………… an explanation from the clerks.

(A) on

(B) out

(C) for

(D) in

Q34. It is our duty to get …………………………… the truth.

(A) to

(B) over

(C) into

(D) at

Q35.A thorough search of the aircraft was carried……………………in the airport.

(A) out

(B) off

(C) on

(D) along

Q36.Discrimination …………………… any form should be avoided.

(A) of

(B) by

(C) from

(D) in

Q37.My friend's father died …………………. cancer.

(A) by

(B) of

(C) from

(D) with

Q38.His manners …………………. him.

(A) speak of

(B) speak out

(C) speak up

(D) speak for

Q39.The aim of education is to…………………………..the best in students.

(A) bring on

(B) bring in

(C) bring about

(D) bring out

Q40.I have known him………………………..a long time.

(A) since

(B) for

(C) before

(D) from

Q41. He drained what was left……………………….his drink.

(A) from

(B) in


(C) of

(D) off

Q42. Our teacher…………………………………. points before the exams.

(A) cleared off

(B) cleared away

(C) cleared up

(D) cleared out

Q43.The cart was driven………………………….bullocks.

(A) with

(B) off

(C) to

(D) by

Q44.The old gentleman……………………. to be a very good friend of my grandfather.

(A) turned in

(B) turned over

(C) turned out

(D) turned up

Q45. The Chairman is ill and we'll have to …………………..the meeting for a few days.

(A) put on

(B) put of

(C) put away

(D) put off

Sd Class 10

Q46. He is very good………………making stories.

(A) in

(B) about

(C) at

(D) for

Q47. The monitor takes care………………….the class………………………. the absence of the teacher.

(A) in; at

(B) of; in

(C) during; in

(D) of; for

Q48. When he saw the fish swimming………………………………the river, he was extremely happy.

(A) on

(B) besides

Prepositions exercises for class 10 icse with answers pdf worksheets

(C) in

(D) at

Q49. Books are a great source………………………… happiness.

(A) of

(B) for

(C) into

(D) with

Q50. He spoke…………….. his travels.

(A) of

(B) on

(C) about

(D) along

Q51.Why do we always have to submit………………..his authority ?

(A) under

(B) with

(C) for

(D) to

Q52. The master assured her……………………success in the examination.

(A) of

(B) in

(C) for

(D) with

Q53. My windows looks …………………. garden.

(A) upon

(B) out

(C) on

(D) at

Q54.The reward was not commensurate ………………………. work done by us.

(A) for

(B) on

(C) with

(D) upon

Q55.I don't care …………………..the expense. I want the party to be a real success.

(A) of

(B) with


(D) at

Q56. Vinay does not play cricket, and……………………..does Yeshwant.

(A) so

(B) also

(C) either

(D) neither

Q57.They live…………………….. the fifth floor.

(A) in

(B) to

(C) on

(D) at

Q58. My cousin will arrive…………………………… Sunday.

(A) in

(B) at

(C) the

(D) on

Q59.The boys went inside………………room.

(A) of the

(B) the

(C) to the

(D) of

Q60. My younger brother is good………………….. Mathematics

(A) at

(B) into

(C) on

(D) with

Q61. Bread is usually made…………wheat.

(A) of

(B) from

(C) with

Class 10 cca

(D) by

Q62. Our ancestors had immense difficulty …………………….procuring books.

(A) for

(B) of

(C) in

(D) on

Q63.Three……………………..four make seven.

(A) with

(B) into

(C) in

(D) and

Class 10 Science Notes



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English Language Activities

English Prepositions

Preposition Exercises 1

Test your knowledge of the prepositions in / at / to / nothing- showing place and movement. Choose either in, at, to, or nothing and click onthe arrow to see you have answered correctly.

Preposition Exercises 2

Test you knowledge of the prepositions for / while / during.Choose either for, while or during and click on the arrow to see you haveanswered correctly.

Preposition Exercises 3

Test you knowledge of the prepositions in / at / on - showingtime and date. Choose either in, at or on and click on the arrow to see you haveanswered correctly.

Preposition Exercises4

1 - She wasn't short, she wasn't tall; she was average height.

2 - What are you going to buy Hania herbirthday?

3 - The police are looking a tall, black man whowas seen standing outside the bank just before the robbery took place.

4 - The teacher asked the class to do the exercise the bottom of page 12.

5 - As a child I was always ashamed my parentsbecause they were uneducated.

6 - I was always very good Geography when I wasat school.

7 - My uncle specializes in .

8 - We arrived Gorzów at 3.30 in the morning.

9 - I didn't see you the party on Saturday.

10 - There was a lot of coughing the performance ofMoniusko's 'Fairy Tale' symphony.

11 - He saw her as the most attractive womanthe world.

12 - Simon is completely useless sports.